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We’re always hearing about how we should be recycling, but we never really know if our efforts are having much of an impact. Are we really making a difference?

The answer is yes.

Business waste accounts for approximately 25% of all waste produced in the UK. That might just offer some perspective on how encouraging your workplace to recycle could make a vast difference.


Here’s 5 great reasons to start using recycling bins in your office:


1. Boost your brand image

Consumers are trending towards more eco-friendly choices with their product purchases, while businesses are striving to achieve better market credibility with improved focuses on sustainability goals.

A recent survey by First Insight revealed that a massive 72% of consumers consider sustainability in their purchasing decisions.

And it isn’t just consumers that you need to consider, employees also like to know their company is taking steps in the right direction, with many studies showing that eco-conscious companies are starting to attract better talent to their business.

Visible on-brand messages will also impress visitors and clients, a great way of visually demonstrating your company’s commitment to recycling.


2. Protect confidential documentsaspire lockable recycling bin for confidential office paper waste

While most business are attempting to become paper-free, we understand that this is not always possible and there is therefore a need to keep confidential documents safe.

Before shredding, it can be difficult to know where to store them for optimal safety, away from prying eyes. Secure bin containers are a great way of giving you peace of mind that your documents are safely eradicated prior to shredding.

With each business requiring a unique waste stream, the Aspire Confidential Waste Bin Station provides a fully customisable solution to collect confidential waste behind a lockable door.

Whether you’re after secure, lockable cabinets, confidential waste bins or large recycling stations the Aspire Confidential Waste Bin Station is an ideal solution. With a confidential document slot and lockable door, this confidential waste bin can be designed and customised to suit any environment.

Don’t have a large breakout area? Don’t worry! The Aspire bin is compact enough to fit into the smallest of office spaces without adding to the clutter, or compromising on recycling quality or style.


3. Save time and money

No one particularly likes changing a bin liner, and recent inflationary increases have made even heavy-duty bin liners a pricey purchase when scaled up en-masse. Consider how many of these your office is using daily, weekly or annually, and it all mounts up. More importantly, think of the amount of plastic that you’re getting through – it’s a sobering thought!

Our Aspire bins are fitted with the Longopac continuous liner system. Each liner takes a mere 20 seconds to change and the next liner is there, and ready to go! The arduous task of bin liner changing is all but eradicated, and labour costs are cut by 38%. Think of all that productivity you’re saving, not to mention the fact that the Longopac continuous liner system minimises any unnecessary contact with unsanitary waste.

For those who enjoy a tangible statistic, the Longopac continuous liner system system also reduces plastic usage by up to 70%, collection costs by 35% and can help to increase your recycling rates by 58%.

See your company’s potential plastic savings here – simply enter the amount of bags you’re using and see potential savings by using Longopac continuous liners!


4. Design-led recycling

Bins have come on a long way over the last few years. Once an out-of-sight functional item that did little for interior aesthetics, offices are now requesting more design led recycling stations that boldly sit in the heart of an office space and complement the corporate image. At Unisort we thrive off helping you create a custom designed Recycling Station which looks like a piece of furniture complimenting your office interior

This has led to innovative ways of recycling products, and contemporary design is an absolute must. Out with the ‘standard’ bin, and in with the bespoke recycling station; design-led waste streams that compliment your office décor and signage. Our bespoke solutions focus on design, so that they’re not only highly effective, but they look great in any workplace.

Double sided stations, compact stations, and several different waste streams; there’s an option for everyone. Whatever your choice, the modern way is to honour it with pride and ensure it is in full view of employees, visitors and clients.

Discover how our team of experts, and bespoke recycling solutions can take pride of place in your office or workplace. Speak to one of our team to learn more about the options available to your business. Contact us.

Cardiff Met Bespoke Recycling Station


5. Keep it tidy

Cluttered offices are unhealthy, unproductive, and unattractive. We’ve all witnessed that office, the one that lacked order; chaotic desks, an array of unorganised files and overflowing bins! Thankfully, we’ve come on a long way since then! The modern office space is clean, tidy, and well-ordered with efficient systems to help facilitate wellbeing and productivity.

If you’re not able to introduce a recycling station but are keen to do your part, you can keep on top of a well-maintained office with the addition of signage for your existing bins.

Self-adhesive recycling bin labels are a great way of keeping the order whilst allowing users to clearly differentiate between waste streams. The key benefit of WRAP colours is that they’re colour coded to ensure that the correct recycling bin is used. You can be sure that everyone is using the bins correctly whilst promoting a positive message and encouraging a regular recycling routine.


Thinking of incorporating recycling bins into your office and want to understand your options? Get in touch with Unisort for the ultimate in recycling convenience.


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