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Over the next 10 years, The Woodland Trust aims to plant 64 million trees, in part to commemorate the fallen from World War One, and they can’t do this without a strong band of 4,200 volunteers, 300 staff and the founder John James.

We don’t just talk the talk, at Unisort we walk the walk.

Thanks to The Woodland Trust for providing the saplings, sourced and grown in the UK to minimise the risk of importing and spreading tree pests and diseases, a merry band of 8 strapping gentlemen wrapped up and got to work planting over 700 trees at our Cardiff office.  

In addition to their mission of planting 64 million trees, The Woodland Trusty are working with our lead partner Sainsbury’s, supported by other partners to plant millions of native trees to commemorate the First World War.

What a great way of reducing your carbon footprint whilst supporting such a great cause.

Donned with wellies, gloves and the odd christmas jumper, a huge THANK YOU goes out to;

  1. Wyn
  2. Chet
  3. Jon
  4. Fletcher 
  5. Paddy
  6. Fergus
  7. Linus
  8. Sholto
Unisort help support The Woodland Trust

Unisort, we offer solutions to ensure sustainability. We know people want to do the right thing, so why make it hard. That’s why we provide game-changing solutions that help our customers to think differently about recycling & hygiene at work and ensure it is easy for them to make the right choice.